ACE: Achieve Core Enrichment


Coaching is a managerial competency that describes the responsibility managers have to ensure that employees make the most of their skills and abilities. As performance management leaders, managers must guide and facilitate the process of employee development by continually and collaboratively taking an active role and interest in the growth and development of the employees they manage.

diagram describing the ace coaching and development model, identify development need, engage one-on-one and plan, monitor growth and give feedback, continue until the standard is met, and repeat.
ACE Coaching and Development Model
The ACE coaching and development model is intended to guide managers and employees through the competency development process.

Training & Development Activities

In addition to coaching, traditional learning and training activities are recommended. These are the resources and activities that most people likely think of when they hear the word training. You should select activities that make sense for your learning style, are appropriate for the competencies you are trying to develop, and allow for learning outcome practice and implementation in real work situations. Possible activities might include:

On-the-job training, cross-training, job shadowing, courses, webinars, self-guided study and research, mentoring, attending a conference or workshop, mixing with the best, continuing education, temporary assignments and projects, committee work, and membership or leadership roles in professional organizations

A Dynamic Duo: Coaching & Training

Development occurs when learning outcomes are applied to real work situations and when those applications are guided by managers via coaching relationships. With ACE, employees and managers partner to make growth happen.

When employees and managers are jointly and actively involved in employee development, good things happen. Employees benefit through skill development and potential opportunities for new roles and responsibilities, and the Libraries benefits through increased performance and results. We all win.

diagram describing coach plus training and development will lead to employee and organizational growth