This summer, we celebrate the recent awards and recognitions of UT Libraries’ staff, faculty and student assistants.
Kudos to our talented and hardworking students, staff and faculty members!
Shaina Anderson: Anderson, arts and humanities librarian, received the UT Pride Center and Division of Access and Engagement Faculty Fellowship. The fellowship recognized her efforts, which include co-coordinating programming and outreach efforts that support recruitment and retention of LGBTQ+/queer and transgender students of color.
Alex Boris: Boris, Commons librarian, was accepted as a full member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals. AHIP is the peer-reviewed, accomplishment/portfolio-based certification and career development program for health information professionals.
Elliott Fesler: Fesler, student assistant in Public Services, received a Critical Language Scholarship from the US Department of State. With his scholarship, he will travel to Morocco for eight weeks this summer to continue his mastery of the Arabic language.
Kelly Gray: Gray, graphic designer at the University of Tennessee Press, received a cover design award for White Ice during the Association of University Presses annual Book, Jacket and Journal show.
Meredith Hale: Hale, metadata librarian in Special Collections, this spring received the Applauds Award from the Art Libraries Society of North America. The award recognizes her work on migrating organizational content to the Humanities Commons and her
efforts on making the society’s video archives accessible through captioning work on its Kaltura channel.
Health and Wellness Team (Jeanine Williamson Fletcher, Maggie Albro, Steven Milewski, Brianne Dosch, Niki Cobb, and Melanie Dixson): The team received the AVIS Research Award (Animal and Veterinary Information Specialist Caucus of the Medical Libraries Association) for their research paper. The paper, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, examines the development of search filters for One Health Articles using CAB (bibliographic database) abstracts descriptors.
Leigh Mosley: Mosley, accessibility coordinator in Acquisitions and Continuing Resources, passed the International Association of Accessibility Professional’s Web Accessibility Specialist exam in December 2023 and is now certified. Mosley received “Above Standard” scores on two of the three exam categories.
Martha Rudolph: Rudolph, editor and writer in marketing and communications, recently celebrated 50 years at UT. Rudolph has held multiple positions on campus, the first shelving books in the undergraduate library.
Carol Shaffer: Shaffer, a resource management specialist in Acquisitions and Continuing Resources, was lauded by the University of Tennessee during a reception to mark her 40th anniversary at UT. The Libraries also feted Shaffer during a retirement party on June 27. Her last day at UT was June 28.
Evan Shannon: Shannon, student assistant at Pendergrass Library, received the 2024 Commission for Disability Undergraduate Student Award during the spring Chancellor’s Honors Banquet. The award honors an undergraduate student who is a champion for support and recognition of people with disabilities.
Louisa Trott: Trott, arts and humanities librarian, co-organized a small gauge and amateur film symposium and projector maintenance workshop at the Association of Moving Image Archivists conference in fall 2023.
Recent News
More News- New Self-checkout Experience at Hodges Library
- Not Your Grandmother’s Library
- What’s New? Library Resources and Free E-textbooks available in Canvas
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- Summer 2024 Awards and Recognitions
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Upcoming Events
More Events-
Celebrating the Publication of "Critical Connections" with ORNL, UT Libraries, and UT Press!
Sep. 10 at 3pmInstitute for Advanced Materials & Manufacturing - AMM Lobby and Room 147 -
Research Impact Series: Citation Analysis using Web of Science
Sep. 12 at 3pmJohn C Hodges Library - 128 -
International Coffeehouse
Sep. 18 at 1pmJohn C Hodges Library - Mary E Greer Room (near Starbucks)