June 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

ETLA Board Meeting
June 8, 2011
Asia Cafe

Susan Simmons, President, Presiding
Chris Durman, Immediate Past-President
Lisa Travis, Vice-President
Martha Earl, Secretary
Susan Poorbaugh, Treasurer
Ann Viera, Newsletter Editor
Peter Fernandez, Webmaster

I. Welcome:  The meeting was convened at 6:05 pm.

II. Approval of Agenda: Approved with changes. Lisa moved. Susan P. seconded.

III. Minutes from the April 6 Board meeting and April 28 Business meeting were approved with revisions. Lisa moved. Susan P. seconded. Martha will send corrected minutes back to Board.

IV. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was approved.  Chris moved. Lisa seconded. Donation of $100. Susan P. noted need for accurate member lists to send out membership notices. She recommended appointing a Membership Chair. Ann suggested that those duties might fall with her position. Susan suggested making it a goal to compile accurate membership lists.

V. Old Business

1. Rothrock 2011

Chris wrote thank you notes to speakers.  Board not happy with meal service at UT venue. A-V set-up needs to be done in advance. Rothrock video will be edited and posted on ETLA site.

2. Pamela Martin Webinar

Over 107 attended. More webinars will be planned for next year.

3. Election

Andy Madson will be Vice-President/President-Elect and Alison Jones will be Treasurer. They were elected by majority.

4. Future of ETLA

Chris expressed that ETLA has strong social value as organization. Ann emphasized that publicity and marketing are key in keeping members and increasing attendance. Martha asserted that an organization is as strong as the commitment of its leaders. Ann noted key role of ETLA is continuing education.  She suggested making focus of meetings the content of the programs with no requirements to pay for meals. Board agreed to consider more marketing and media venues for programming and social meetings.  Important with webinars to keep ETLA identity associated with the program. Susan P. suggested pushing membership at every meeting and appointing a membership chair. Peter said the organization needs structure and balance.  The Board will revisit the member survey in 2012 and ask for evaluation of webinars and programs.

VI. New Business

  1. Drupal changeover of ETLA website. Peter explained Drupal experimentation at UTK.  Newletter can be built on Drupal and emailed automatically. Social media can be incorporated. Board agreed to Drupal changeover. Peter requested final minutes for web. Martha will review and send.
  2. TLA has a new method of submitting affiliate reports to website.  Responsibility of President to represent ETLA on TLA Board and to send reports quarterly.

 VII. Next Board meeting date:  Lisa will send possible dates and locations.

 VIII. The meeting adjourned at 7:13p m.