September 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

ETLA Board Meeting
Barley’s Taproom and Pizzeria
September 30, 2010

Susan Simmons, President, Presiding
Chris Durman, Immediate Past-President
Lisa Travis, Vice-President
Ann Viera, Newsletter Editor

Andy Madson
Ed Sullivan
Tim Byrne
Gail Borio
Shelley Fridell
Meredith Goins

I. Welcome: Susan Simmons welcomed everyone to the meeting at 6:36.

II. Approval of Agenda: Susan S. asked if any agenda items needed to be added and, receiving none, called for the agenda to be accepted.  Lisa Travis moved to accept the agenda and Andy Madson seconded.  The agenda was then unanimously approved.

III. Minutes from the August 23rd Executive Board Meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

IV. Treasurer’s Report: Susan Poorbaugh was unable to attend this meeting and a Treasurer’s Report was not offered.

V. Old Business

A. Susan S. discussed the 2010 Rothrock Lecture. Ed Sullivan mentioned that Karyn Storts-Brinks has recently published an article on the experience that was the basis of the lecture.

B. 2010-2011 Calendar

  1. Lisa Travis described the upcoming Rugby tour that will be held on Saturday, November 6. She mentioned that there would be a cost for the tour which she would share via e-mail.
  2. Susan S. mentioned that the Rothrock Lecture is being planned and that details would be forthcoming.

VI. Next Board meeting date: Susan suggested that the next Board Meeting be held on November 1.

VII. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:55 and the Book Brag began immediately thereafter.

Respectfully submitted by Chris Durman 10/19/2010