July 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

ETLA Board Meeting
Monterey Restaurant
July 25, 2010

Susan Simmons, President, Presiding
Chris Durman, Immediate Past-President
Martha Earl, Secretary
Molly Moore,  Immediate Past-Secretary
Peter Fernandez, Webmaster
Ann Viera, Newsletter Editor
Mary Bartolini, Past-President

I. Welcome: Susan Simmons welcomed everyone to the meeting at 6:50.

II. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved.

III. Minutes from the May 6 Executive Board Meeting: The minutes from the May 6, 2010 Executive Board meeting were approved.  Chris moved and Ann seconded.

IV. Treasurer’s Report: Susan will distribute via email.

V. Old Business

  1. Survey results: Chris Durman distributed copies of the SurveyGizmo results.
  2. 20 people responded to the survey.
  3. Queston 1 asked about program attendance in 2009. 45% did not attend any meetings in 09-10. 40% attended the Rothrock lecture with Dr. Michael Lofaro.  25% attended the Book Brag at Carpe Librum.  25% attended the BTOP Stimulus Grant/ITRL IMLS Grant presentations. 20% attended the Childrens and Young Adults presentation. 10% attended the UT Map Library tour.
  4. Question 2 asked what they would like to see meetings focused on. 85% said professional development. 70% said hot topics. 70% said opportunity to socialize. 60% said tours and local information resources. 5% suggested starting an ETLA book. 5% said local authors.
  5. Question 3 related to convenience of geographical locations. 60% preferred downtown Knoxville. 55% preferred West Knoxville. Anderson County, Blount County, and North Knoxville each got 25%. 20% preferred East Knoxville. Claiborne County and South Knoxville each got 15%. Jefferson, Roane, and Sevier Counties each received 10%.  All others received 5% each.
  6. Question 4 related to most appealing venues for presentations. 60% wanted anywhere with parking or libraries. 55% chose bookstores, coffee shops, or libraries. 10% said anywhere with free parking. One suggested other venues. Chris noted that people talked with their feet. Restaurant meetings had greatest attendance.
  7. Question 5 related to preferred days of the week for meetings. Percentages are as follows: Tuesday 65%, Thursday 60%, Wednesday 55%, Friday 35%, Monday 25%, and Saturday 10%.
  8. Question 6 related to times of the day. In order, preference was for morning, afternoon, lunchtime, later evening, and early evening. Evenings well attended in early evening.
  9. Question 7 related to factors influencing decisions to attend meetings. In order the responses were as follows: not interested, unaware, topic, time, and location. ETLA has 70 members. Chris would revise question on next survey.
  10. Question 8 asked the best means for ETLA to reach respondents with promotional materials. Preference was as follows: website, direct mailing or social networking technology, and email. Chris suggested that we consider a Facebook page.
  11. Question 9 asked about amount respondents would be willing to pay for a special event. 50% would pay $20, 40% would pay $10, and 10% would pay $30. This year Rothrock broke even at $20 per person plus speaker dinners.
  12. Question 10 related to job descriptions. The percentages were as follows: Academic 45%, Special 25%, Public 20%, School 5%, and Medical 5%. Chris noted problem in attracting school librarians, even for the Rothrock. We could also consider open Rothrock to the public or changing format. Rothrock does not have to be a lecture.
  13. Question 11 asked about membership. 75% were current members of ETLA.
  14. Comments related to programming and convenience of meetings. Chris appreciated Ann’s comment on commitment of ETLA Board.
  15. Chris surmised that nothing in survey results was terribly astray. Middle Tennessee group is revitalizing. Ann will check with them.  CALA is also active and review of their programming gave us idea for the Book Brag.
  16. Summary of 2009-2010 year and programming
  17. The goal of programming was to bring more people to meetings. Chris noted that he accomplished this.
  18. The Jefferson Bass book author tour was mentioned.
  19. Susan reviewed the year’s programs. The year started with a social program, then educational, then OSTI, and Rothrock.
  20. Mary said that she accomplished her goals of getting business things together and procedures down in the year of the library tour.

VI. New Business

  1. 2010-2011 Calendar
  2. Thursday may work as meeting day.
  3. Goals and theme brainstorming
  4. The suggestion was made for consideration of day meetings with school librarians.
  5. Martha suggested that Tena Litherland might be a good contact for school librarians. Tena is the senior librarian at Webb School.
  6. Martha noted that the theme for TLA this year is Partnerships.  ETLA is a TLA affiliate.
  7. Chris and Susan noted that they would suggest partnership with TASL to Lisa Travis.
  8. Programming brainstorming
  9. Chris received an email from Bernita Howell, retired UT anthropology professor now retired to Rugby. She invited ETLA to a tour of the Rugby rare book library, the oldest free public library in the South.  http://www.historicrugby.org. A Rugby road trip could be a Saturday meeting.  Books are from the Utopian community.  Bernita also wants to form an advisory council for the Rugby library.  Perhaps we could do a joint meeting with Mid-TN.
  10. Chris suggested that the Rothrock include more about Mary Utopia Rothrock. SELA was also one of her legacies.  Tributes to her at the Rothrock lecture were done at the 15th and 25th anniversary lectures.
  11. Partnership meeting with SIS student TLA/ALA chapter was not done this year. Chris recommended a change of venue.
  12. Chris recommended use of name tags at meetings.

No other new business.

VII. Chris thanked outgoing board members.

VIII. The next Executive Board meeting date is August 23, 2010 at Monterey Restaurant at 6:00pm.

IX. The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.