Dr. Karen D. Boyd
2021 HonoreeEducation, Health, & Human Sciences
On the occasion of Dr. Karen D. Boyd's promotion to Professor of Practice
The Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University: Who Assumes the Risks of College Life?
The Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University: Who Assumes the Risks of College Life? Robert D. Bickel and Peter F. Lake Education
Why I Chose This Book

This book voices my perspective on and gives a legal foundation for the relational quality faculty, administrator's, and college's/university's should pursue with their students. It shaped my practice philosophy and research agenda and launched my career transition to faculty. Without this book and these author's continued work I would not be at the University of Tennessee today. I ask for this book to be placed here for today and future generations of Tennessee faculty, administrators, and students to hear and heed its message to focus on the educational first and only then consider the legal.

The Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University: Who Assumes the Risks of College Life?