June 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

ETLA Board Minutes
June 21, 2012
Litton’s Restaurant, Knoxville, TN 

Lisa Travis, President, Presiding
Susan Simmons, Immediate Past President
Martha Earl, Secretary
Ann Viera, Newsletter Editor

I. Welcome: The meeting was convened at 6:50 pm.

II. Minutes from the May 10, 2012 Meeting: Martha will distribute these via email later.

IV. Treasurer’s Report:  Not reported.

V. Old Business

  1. Membership
    1. Lisa has completed her analysis and consolidation of the membership lists. Only 10 currently paid members. 70 people on the list are verified for contact information. Lisa will distribute the spreadsheets to the officers for review.
    2. Bylaws were approved by the majority of the ten paid members. The revised bylaws will be distributed.
  2. Nominations for Executive Board
    1. Ann sent the call for nominations and self-nominations for the positions of Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, and Newsletter Editor. Nominations were received for all positions.  Two nominations were received for Vice-President.

3. Programs

1. Plan for programs early. Discussion of programs on how to get a job and ROI.
2. Determine a feedback mechanism to find out what prospective members want.

VII. Adjournment at 7:35 pm.