UT Libraries Career Employee Program Celebrates New Graduates

The Career Employee Program (CEP) at the UT Libraries celebrated its newest graduates last week: Seth Jordan, Linda Flynn, Jayne Rogers and Wanda Rosinski.

CEP offers non-exempt employees an opportunity to learn more about librarianship and the field of information science. Participants must have worked for the libraries for at least three years in order to be eligible for the program. The application process is selective and competitive–applicants must write an essay outlining his or her interest in the program and submit two recommendations from library employees.

Throughout the program, participants take college courses in information science, attend workshops, publish papers and book reviews, present at professional conferences, and complete other scholarly accomplishments. CEP participants are expected to complete this work outside of their normal working hours and have only two years in order to finish the program

“This is the best experience I’ve had since I began working here,” Jayne Rogers, a staff member in Collection Development, said. “I’ve learned so much,” Rogers continued.

“This program really pushes you out of your comfort zone, but in a good way,” Linda Flynn, a staff member in the Business Office, said. “Thanks to this program, I’ve taken my first graduate level classes, presented at the Tennessee Library Association conference in Nashville, and published two book reviews. Overall, it has been a very rewarding experience,” Flynn said.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants receive a $2000 salary increase.

CEP began in 1999 as a way for the libraries to identify and develop career staff. The rigorous program offers a process for recognizing and rewarding staff for their commitment to the libraries and the university. The first successful CEP graduate was honored in 2001.

New classes of CEP participants are formed every two years. The class of 2006-2008 includes Sandra Allen, Michelle Brannen, Jeff French and Rebecca Smithey.

For more information, visit the CEP exhibit that is currently on display outside the Lindsay Young Auditorium on the first floor of Hodges Library or visit their Web site.