Chris Durman to participate in Muscular Dystrophy Association Lock-Up

Hello Everyone,

I’ve agreed to participate in the upcoming Muscular Dystrophy Association Lock-Up on November 17th and my bail has been set to fund 20 minutes of vital research—which is $1,700. I need your help to get out of jail…and any amount helps!! As I understand things, I’ll be taken from work to the pokie set up at the Butcher Shop Steakhouse at noon and will stay there for an hour.

Please help bail me out! While they promise to treat me well while I’m in the pokie, I sure don’t want to stay any longer than necessary.

I’ve declined to participate in the past, but agreed to this time because someone near to me has recently been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy giving me a much more personal reason to hope you will consider donating whatever you can to this cause. If some of you will give just a small donation toward my bail, I will reach my goal in no time!

If you are willing to make a small donation to this great cause, please let me know and I can record your pledge!

It would be even easier if you would click the link below to make a donation directly to the secure personal webpage provided to me by the Muscular Dystrophy Association!

Your donation is appreciated and really matters to those living with muscular dystrophy. Our help is their hope for treatments, cures and assistance. Thank you in advance for your consideration and helping to make a difference.

Warm regards and best wishes,

Chris Durman