The Tennessee Newspaper Digitization Project has received funding for the next two years! That means another 100,000 pages of historical Tennessee newspapers coming to your computer screen!
The National Endowment for the Humanities made the announcement last week. Other awardees are: Arizona, Hawaii, Iowa*, Maryland*, Michigan*, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina*, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington. (*new in 2012)
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to take this project into its second phase. The Advisory Group will meet in the fall to select the titles for digitization. The time period we plan to cover in phase two will begin circa 1880, where phase one ended. The end date hasn’t yet been determined. Our only limitations are the program’s 1922 cut-off date (anything later is subject to copyright laws), and the 100,000 page limit.
We’ll bring you more details after the Advisory Group has met and made its selections. As with phase one, when making the title selection the Group will endeavor to represent the broadest spectrum possible, geographically, politically, ethnically and culturally.
A HUGE thank you to NEH and the Library of Congress for continuing to support this compelling and valuable project.