UT Song Index

This database provides access to about 50,000 songs in more than 1,500 published song anthologies owned by the George F. DeVine Music Library at the University of Tennessee, located in Knoxville. Use this citation index to determine which anthologies contain the song(s) you need. You will not find the music or the words here, just the call number and book title. If you are not in Knoxville, ask your librarian about interlibrary loan options to obtain the songs you need be.


  • Start your search as simply as possible. For example, enter the last name of the composer and one key word from the song title. However, more than one keyword and any number of fields can be used.
  • DO NOT use initial articles such as: the/of/a/an  (use 'Sound of Music' rather than 'The Sound of Music').
  • DO NOT use dashes or punctuation, besides apostrophes.
  • Truncation is automatic ('Tchai' will yield 'Tchaikovsky').
  • RESULTS: Click on the links to find all songs in an anthology, other songs by the same composer or author, or other songs/arrangements with the same words in their title. Change and redo your search if necessary.


Song Title
Large Work Title
Author of Text
Anthology Title
Call Number
First Line
Chorus First Line
Song Type
Geographical or Ethnic Source
*Besides country names, you may use regions such as 'Appalachian' or ethnic groups such as 'Afro-American' or 'Jewish'. Songs have been given only one geographic location, as specific as possible. 'United States' will not yield 'Appalachian' results if an anthology can entirely be labeled 'Appalachian'.
Choose a Common Language