JVME article on searching for alternatives for teaching protocols

A useful guide for searching the UC Davis website has just been published in Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. The citation from PubMed is below.

If you need to search for alternatives to using animals In teaching protocols, this article explains exactly how to do it.

NOTE: JVME is available for free until May 15th at http://www.jvmeonline.org/ and will be available from the AG-VET MED ejournals list soon.

1: J Vet Med Educ. 2005 Winter;32(4):468-72.

Effective bibliographic searching for animal alternatives in veterinary medical
education: the UC Davis web site.

Wood MW, Hart LA, Weng HY.

Librarian of the UC Center for Animal Alternatives, School of Veterinary
Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA. mwwood@ucdavis.edu

To prepare students in just four years to enter veterinary practice, veterinary
medical educators offer an array of laboratory and clinical experiences
coordinated with didactic instruction. Recent curricular changes have reduced
the numbers of animals involved in painful or terminal procedures. For each use
of animals, veterinary educators are required by the USDA’s policies 11 and 12
to complete animal-use protocols that include questions on alternatives to
procedures causing more than momentary pain or distress. Veterinary medical
educators seeking improved teaching resources and methods or completing
animal-use protocols may find it frustrating to locate the relevant information,
which is dispersed across many databases. This paper addresses a gap facing
veterinary educators by presenting user-friendly searching tools that are
targeted toward (a) locating teaching resources and (b) conducting effective
bibliographic searches on standard teaching laboratory procedures, as required
for animal-use protocols. These tools simplify searching by providing
streamlined access to the resources being sought. Facilitating efficient and
effective searching by users can improve teaching and simplify compliance with
USDA requirements.