September 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

ETLA Board Meeting
September 11, 2012
Panera Bread Restaurant, Fountain City

Andy Madson, President, Presiding
Lisa Travis, Immediate Past President
Matt Jordan, Vice-President
(not a quorum)

Meeting began roughly around 6:35 pm.

We briefly looked over June minutes and Treasurer report and began general discussion of agenda.  Looked over Publicity and Partnership possibilities and urge others to think about who we might want to work with and what connections we have that might help us put out the word about ETLA programs in the coming year.

I expressed a strong interest in improving ETLA membership this year starting a discussion about new ways of reaching potential members.  Lisa mentioned we might try different social media outlets and recommended and putting our Facebook page to better use.  All agreed that personal hands on approach also essential to improving membership and that sometimes we forget that talking to and actually bringing friends and colleagues to ETLA programs is a useful approach.

In talking about this year’s Rothrock lecture, Jinx Watson’s name was put forward.  For those of you not familiar with Jinx, she’s a much beloved retired UTSIS professor who helped develop and oversee the Children and YA programs for SIS.  Her name came up last spring as a potential speaker and all in attendance agreed she would be a good pick and popular draw.  Matt knows Jinx pretty well and agreed to approach her about it sometime soon.

Several program ideas were discussed including an webinar where SIS grad students can present their dissertation research, an Information Science career panel discussing various career options and finding work as professional librarians, an Adopt a Library idea where we can do a service project for a local library in need (ex: book or resource collection drive), a fall hike social event and another book brag.  A lot of interest in career panel event and Fall hike event.  Matt agreed to work on organizing the hike and should have information at start of next week.

This brings me to a tentative schedule for the 2012-2013 year.  I and I’m sure just about everyone on the board has a lot of commitments outside of work so I felt it might be easier if we set out a schedule at the beginning of the year so people have time to plan and adjust several months ahead.  I want to have board meetings/programs every other month (September, November, January, March and May)with a few other dates like Rothrock thrown in.  After much discussion over what might be a reasonable night to meet on a regular basis, the first Monday of those months was chosen and if the rest of the board concurs we will go with it.  Here is what our tentative calendar year would look like with the chosen day and months as well as extra program dates thrown in:

September 11, 2012    First Meeting

October 13th, 2012    Fall Hike    TBA

November 5th, 2012    Book Brag (?) TBA

January 7th, 2013     Board Meeting

March 5th, 2013       Information Science Career Panel and Discussion   TBA

April 18th, 2013      Rothrock Lecture    TBA

May 6th, 2013         Board Meeting

As I said this is a tentative schedule and I would appreciate any thoughts, concerns or even alternative program suggestions.  It seems to me that if we can plan ahead we’ll give ourselves more space to rearrange schedules as well as work on program ideas and get publicity out in a timely manner. It is also hoped this will help us advertise for ETLA if people know ahead a time whats happening.

Our small discussion ended around 8:30.   Officially we did not have a quorum so none of the propositions above have actually been voted on by the board .

Submitted by: Andy Madson